The Minnesota River Valley Trail is now open south of Louisville Swamp. See signs for details.
New Jordan Trail has been added from Hwy 13 on Hwy 282 into Jordan.
The Sand Point Beach access is now via the Boat Landing. Trailer parking is available in the Boat Landing parking lots. Please do not park in the beach parking lot.
Depending on snow conditions, trails in Minnesota are open from December 1st thru April 1st. For information on Trail Conditions in Scott County, MN, go the the Sno-Trails Facebook page - Scott County Sno-Trails
The Scott County Sno-Trails Association manages all the snowmobile trails in Prior Lake and trails in Scott County and is a joint effort by the local clubs including Belle Plaine/Henderson Borough Riders, Prior Lake Snowmobile Association, Shakopee River Valley Trailblazers and the Savage Sno-Pacers. Check out the other local clubs on our links page for more trail conditions and club events.
Trail Access and Trailer Parking:
Sand Point Beach – 14349 Crest Ave, Prior Lake - BOAT LANDING ACCESS AND PARKING ONLY
Tractor Supply – 16907 Hwy 13 S, Prior Lake
Louisville Swamp – Minnesota River Trail – access off 169 by Renaissance Festival entrance. Look for signs south of Shakopee
Shakopee Bowl – 3020 W 133rd St, Shakopee
KNOW THE RULES AND STAY ON THE TRAIL! In Prior Lake you must ride on the side of the street (10 MPH) until you get to a trail. You cannot ride in the easement, across yards, across private fields/land or through city parks. To preserve the community's investment in the downtown and other streets, the city of Prior Lake strictly enforces it's snowmobile ordinance.
Snowmobiling is very much a community activity. Snowmobile clubs, which are almost always volunteer driven, are the main reason we have so many fantastic trail systems to ride. If you want these trails to be available for years to come there are some rules that need to be followed. As a snowmobiler you have a responsibility to ride in a manner that is both legal and respectful towards your fellow riders and the environment.
Copyright © 2025 Prior Lake Snowmobile Association - All Rights Reserved. Created by YerADogToo Designs.